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Create an APA Citation, Reference Page and Parenthetical Citations

Writing Centre





The library has print and e-books. Click on the link below and use the following directions to find a book in the school library.

  Our school is listed as Rockville Centre North

To open an e-book you will need to login. On the back of your student ID is your 9 digit ID number. This ID number is your user name AND your password.


To limit your search to only e-books, click the filter icon on the right, scroll down and select Format, then select Follett ebook.Tap on the magnifying glass. A search bar will appear. Type in your search term, author or book title in the search bar. E-books will have an E on the icon. Green indicates the books is available to take out, red indicates it is not available.

Project Gutenberg offers over 50,000 free public domain e-books: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them to iBooks or read them online.


  • Click Sign in using Rockville Centre Union Free School District.

  • Click “Login with Google”.

To add a public library to your account, tap on  the three dashes in the right corner.

Select Add Library


Type in the your library name.

Have your library card number handy.

Links to Library Catalogs

Button Making

The New York Times

How to Evaluate a Website

It can be tempting to use any source in your paper that seems to agree with your thesis, but you need to carefully evaluate websites and decide which ones you can trust. 

How to evaluate a website

Authority: Why can we believe this source?

  • Who is the author? What are their credentials?
  • Does the author provide contact information?
  • Is the site created or sponsored by a reputable organization?
    • Find this information in the About section of the website or look for the Mission of the website.

Viewpoint: What is the author’s perspective?

  • Does the author have a bias?
  • What is the purpose for the website? Is it to inform, teach, entertain or sell?
  • Does the point of view seem objective and impartial? Is the tone

Accuracy: How up to date and accurate is the website?

  • When was the website last updated?

URL: What does the URL tell you about a website

  • What is the extension in the URL? .com, .gov, .org …
  • What does the URL say about the website?


  • Do the links work?
  • When was the information published or updated?

Chromebook Return Information

All students must return their Chromebooks and Chromebook charger in GOOD condition prior to ASSESS and Graduation. If your Chromebook has a broken screen, cracked case, missing keys or any other damage it must be repaired before it can be returned. Also, you must remove any stickers applied to the case. If you are unsure if your Chromebook will be accepted in it's current condition see Mrs. McGuire.

Students can bring their Chromebooks in need of repair to the lobby during 0 period.  A representative from the library will have the student complete a device repair form with parent contact information. A technician from Cell Mechanics will evaluate the Chromebook and call the contact number to discuss the needed repairs and pricing.