It can be tempting to use any source in your paper that sounds good, but you need to carefully evaluate websites and decide which ones you can trust.
Think about - Why can we believe this source?
What is the author’s perspective?
URL: What does the URL tell you about a website
Search Strategies
“World War II” or “Holocaust Survivors”
For example, or or
For example, “holocaust heroes” -book (won’t get any books they can’t read)
Keywords for NIght and JoJo Rabbit: protagonists, director, author, belief
Some keywords you might select to search for information about the film JoJo Rabbit:
Hitler Youth, Nazi Youth Camp, Berlin, Third Reich, 1944, Gestapo, Jewish, "World War II", Taika Waititi
Some keywords you might select to search for information about the boo Night:
Jewish, teenager, Nazi, 1944, Auschwitz, Birkenau, death march, "Elie Wiesel"