The website City-Data offers detailed, informative profiles for every city in the United States.
Click here to go to the website's home page: City-Data
Look at tabs on the top menu bar and select Cities. Click on the link to NY.
- Select the drop down bar under Filter Cites and select Bigger Cities. Type the city in the Box below that says Name.
- The town will appear below the box as an interactive link. Select the link.
- All the details for the town will appear such as income, population, crime, etc.
Interactive Map
- You will also be able to access the interactive map from this page for a more detailed analysis of different sections/blocks of the city you are analyzing.
- Scroll down the page until you see the map, then select the map.
- Once at the map you can select an area of the United States to explore. Simply click on a state and an overview of the state will appear in a box next to the map.
- You can change the type of information that is displayed by selecting the Data drop down box and choosing a category. The information in the box will update to reflect the current category.
- To view the map in a large screen, select the box with the four arrows.
- You can use the zoom in and out buttons to narrow your search to cities, town and sections of towns or,
- You can enter the zip code or town name in the search box in the upper right hand corner.
- Once you zoom in on an area, you can compare sections and blocks of a neighborhood.