Before you can begin your research, you will need to determine if the question you selected is going to work. You need to identify aspects of the research question that need prior research from a database.
1. Watch the video up to 3:16.
2. The topic we will be researching in the library will revolve around how to prevent metal from rusting.
3. Examine the research topic for elements that you need to understand. Create five or six questions that you will need to answer before you begin your research.
The following videos will show you techniques that will help you search databases effectively. The most important part of any research project is to READ and take good NOTES.
After viewing the two videos on how to search in the Proquest and Science and Context Databases, you will now create your own search strategies and look for information on the remaining elements of the research question that we have not addressed.
The research question asks which element is best at keeping apples from browning. The two videos demonstrated finding information on salt and apples. Now it is your turn.
A. Find an article about Vinegar that you would use in your research. The articles can be from either database. Cite the article (use the citation tool from the database to find the APA citation) and explain:
1.Why you selected the article.
2. What information was important in the article and how will it help you further your research.
B. Find an article about Lemon Juice from the databases that you would use in your research. They articles can be from either database. Cite the article and explain:
1.Why you selected the article.
2. What information was important in the article and how will it help you further your research.